Artist Statement 
My body of work has emerged from an expanding interest in how memory works.  This theme is still at the heart of what I do, though the idea has shifted.  Currently I find myself less concerned with my own memories, in and of themselves.  Instead, I find myself fascinated with how my personal experiences fit into the overall American pop-culture of which I am a product.  In these current works I draw from the aesthetic pools of both the contemporary pop culture as well as the tradition of American abstract painting.  Using these two divergent styles I create swirling vortexes of information in which one must struggle to resolve the subject through the exploding pieces of it.    

24" x 24", mixed drawing media on paper, "In Lincoln"

24" x 24", mixed drawing media on paper, "In Lincoln"

33"x 44", mixed drawing media on birch panel, "Sally Strychnyne Rides"

33"x 44", mixed drawing media on birch panel, "Sally Strychnyne Rides"

24"x 23.75", mixed drawing media on paper, "Oh the Whorer!"

24"x 23.75", mixed drawing media on paper, "Oh the Whorer!"

24" x 23.75", mixed drawing media on paper, "Debbie Monday"

24" x 23.75", mixed drawing media on paper, "Debbie Monday"